Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Adjective Therapy

One of my teacher duties is to stand in the hall near my classroom before school and during class changes, and this can be quite an education. Judging from the number of f***-ing objects and scenarios students observe and comment upon on a daily basis, the inanimate objects in my school must have sex lives that would put rabbits and hamsters to shame. I’ve heard that bonobos are known for their almost constant promiscuity, but I’d hazard a guess that even surrounded by a veritable hoard of bonobos, students could not find as many legitimate uses for the f-bomb as they find in the halls of high school.
So, I’d like to declare an “F-free” zone around the door of my room, and no, you in the back, this has nothing to do with your grade. Instead, all  I’m asking that you curb your atrocious, horrific, alarming, appalling, dreadful, deplorable, vexacious, revolting, execrable desecration of the English language. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. And on Facebook, someone had posted a picture from Japan where they were advertising a F***in Sale (apparently think this was the English exclamation for any and all purposes). So have your abominable, horrible, appalling sale. Good luck to you.
